Is your business access ready?

Invest now with the Access Ready Platform and start your diversity and inclusion training and strategy today. Let Access Earth show you the benefits that await you on your accessibility journey!

Our CEO Matt McCann at TEDxDúnLaoghaire

Who We Empower

Elevating Accessibility for Renowned Companies.

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Take the Next Step in Accessibility Excellence

Empower Your Business to Improve Accessibility and Inclusion

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The Access Ready Platform

At Access Earth, we believe that everyone should have equal opportunities to access the world around them. Our mission is to provide tools and resources to measure, improve, and celebrate accessibility in communities everywhere.

Large Icon image representing Access Ready Measure tier
  • Measure

Accessibility Awareness Training & Building Accessibility Assessment

Unlock the full potential of your business by investing in Access Earth’s Accessibility Awareness Training and Office Accessibility Assessment services. Take the first step towards compliance, improved customer satisfaction, and increased revenue with Access Earth.

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  • Improve

Accessibility Policy Alignment & Interactive Access Ready Feedback System

Upgrade your accessibility with Access Earth’s expert policy alignment and Interactive Access Ready Feedback System. Align your policies and standards with the latest guidelines and get real-time feedback to improve the customer experience. Achieve compliance, improve customer satisfaction and increase revenue with Access Earth.

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Large Icon image representing Access Ready Improve tier
Large Icon image representing Access Ready Celebrate tier
  • Celebrate

SDG & ESG Impact Support

Let Access Earth help your business stand out by promoting accessibility and inclusion, which will not only benefit the community but also improve your reputation and increase revenue.

Learn More

Accessibility is for everyone

With an estimated 1.3 billion people – or 16% of the global population having a form of disability and 80% of all disabilities being invisible, chances are you will or already are, working with a person with a disability.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

It is your obligation as an employer and business owner to know what is required to create an inclusive environment where all your employees can understand clearly what inclusion, or lack of, might feel like.